
§  Proven methodology for each test

ORSEU Concours 

is recognised throughout Europe for having developed a comprehensive and detailed methodology for each type of test. Its methods have enabled numerous candidates, regardless of their level, to improve their scores, pass selection tests and take their place on the reserve list.

§  Optimal training conditions

No surprises when taking your remote tests on the day of the competition:

  • our questions are similar to those in competitions run by EPSO;

  • we have developed a new interface for our online tests similar to that used in European competitions: online calculator, notepad, timer, etc.;

  • you can take the same online test multiple times to check your progress.


§  Comprehensive range of educational tools

ORSEU Concours offers a wide range of educational tools adaptable to individual needs:

  • books for self-paced study;

  • online tests for practising under competition conditions;

  • in-person or remote training sessions for live advice from our experts;

  • online courses available at any time.

All our courses, books, and online tests are available in both French and English.

*Our verbal reasoning book is also available in Italian.


See what our customers say.

Like Frank, Ioanna, Lilou, and the thousands of candidates we help prepare each year, start preparing now with ORSEU and maximize your chances of success.

Tout savoir sur le concours D’après mon expérience, vos produits sont les meilleurs pour préparer les tests sur ordinateur. Audrey Luxembourg D’après mon expérience, vos produits sont les meilleurs pour préparer les tests sur ordinateur. Audrey Luxembourg Vos livres me furent très utiles ; je n’aurais pas voulu utiliser une autre méthodologie John Pays-Bas Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo. John Doe Designer


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