This book was created to prepare all candidates taking European institution competition exams. It can also help Irish candidates who wish to prepare in the best possible way for the e-tray test present in Ireland's public and civil service competitions.
This book is aimed at all candidates taking European institution competition exams who wish to prepare in the best possible way for the e-tray test.
The e-tray exercise is a computer-based simulation of a real work situation and replicates an email inbox which contains information relating to a particular issue. Candidates need to find solutions in the best way possible within a fixed amount of time.
In our book, we explain all the subtleties of the test. We present a methodology to allow the candidates to assess the situation and options wisely. They will be able to practise with two test examples.
This test has been present in the AST competition at the assessment centre stage since 2011 while it has been introduced in the AD5 competitions in 2015 as an additional selection step between the preselection and the assessment centre phases. It will also be present in the 2017 AD5 competition.
Data sheet
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