• -€11.29
  • Pack
3-Reasoning-Test Book Pack EN
  • 3-Reasoning-Test Book Pack EN
  • Livre QCM de raisonnement verbal Edition 2012
  • Livre QCM de raisonnement verbal Edition 2012
  • Livre QCM de raisonnement abstrait, édition 2017
  • Book Verbal Reasoning MCQ - 2019 Edition
  • 3-Reasoning-Test Book Pack EN
  • Book Abstract Reasoning MCQ - 2017 edition
  • Test di ragionamento verbale - Edizione 2019
  • 3-Reasoning-Test Book Pack EN

3-Reasoning-Test Book Pack EN

€101.71 Save €11.29
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This pack of 3 reasoning test books includes the book of abstract reasoning MCQ, the one on Numerical Reasoning MCQ and the book on verbal reasoning MCQ. This pack will help you prepare for the different types of reasoning tests present in the European civil service competitions.


Quantity 1
Product price : €31.50

Quantity 1
Product price : €35.10

Quantity 1
Product price : €35.10

This book pack on the 3-reasoning tests includes the following books: Verbal Reasoning MCQ, Numerical Reasoning MCQ and Abstract Reasoning MCQ. 

These 3 reasoning tests are present in all EU competitions organised by EPSO.

In each book, we present an illustrated methodology. We also created numerous questions, all available with detailed correction.  

By studying our 3-reasoning book pack, you will understand the logic and by practising, you will develop automatisms.

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